Label: Demdike Stare
Release date: 29-11-2013
Source: WEB, Album
Format: MP3
Quality: 320 kbps
Size: 130 mb
Genre: Electronic
Style: Ambient, Experimental
Sean Canty and Miles Whittaker are busy fellows. Putting their individual solo projects aside, as Demdike Stare they’ve released three EPs in 2013—the acclaimed Testpressing series of breakbeat-inspired material—and the Weight Of Culture cassette. There’s also, reportedly, a fourth Testpressing on the way in the immediate future. As with their last foray into the cassette market, Post Collapse is a mix of experimental and abstract music with no tracklist, though a press release promises everything from weird pop to jazz over the course of the tape’s 70 minutes
A Untitled
B Untitled
320 kbps