Label/Cat#: Thrill Jockey – thrill 482
Country: US
Year: 15 Mar 2019
Genre: Electronic, Non-Music, Pop
Style: Experimental, Techno, Noise, Abstract, Tribal
Format: 11 × File, lossless
1. Breaking Bread (02:27)
2. The Crying Pill (04:25)
3. Interior With Billiard Balls & Synthetic Fat (04:12)
4. Extending The Plastisphere To GJ237b (00:11)
5. Silicone Gel Implant (04:32)
6. Plastic Anniversary (04:07)
7. Thermoplastic Riot Shield (04:06)
8. Fanfare For Polyethylene Waste Containers (04:01)
9. The Singing Tube (02:59)
10. Collapse Of The Fourth Kingdom (05:03)
11. Plastisphere (04:21)
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