Keef Baker – Barren


Label/Cat#: Hymen Germany – Y 819
Year: 15 September, 2014
Source: WEB
Format: mp3
Quality: 320 kbps
Size: 197 MB
Genre: Electronic
Style: IDM, Dubstep, Experimental, Ambient, Electronic

1. For Next Loop (original version of Bobfoc) (7:06)
2. Music Box (2:28)
3. Amenema (3:20)
4. Cat Magnet (4:12)
5. The World Famous Singing Dumptruck (4:04)
6. Moar Ambinet Pls Kthxbye (6:20)
7. Destroyers (5:15)
8. Bartled (3:44)
9. Burrowing Ticks (5:32)
10. Digby (6:14)
11. Midnight Doodle (3:12)
12. Freefall (3:51)
13. Funky Franks Frightening Friday Fistparty (5:43)
14. Yeah Don’t Worry There’s A Good Bit At The End (6:28)
15. Ar53 (3:58)
16. Waiting For Godfrey (4:30)
17. Counting Pencils (5:26)
18. Seconds (Human League Cover) (5:37)

320 kbps

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