LABEL: Musik Krause | MK041
GENRE: Techno
BITRATE: 320kbps / 44100kHz / Full Stereo
SIZE: 64.17 megs
1. Der fiebersche Drusenpfeifer 7:15
2. Die obskure Obstkur 6:19
3. Der Wabberknecht 6:28
4. Der Sackkiefler 6:40
Rainer Maria Silke aka Berk Offset is in many respects a kind of brain surgeon and at the same time literature resear- cher. The practice lies directly under a high-voltage line. His laboratory, which is registered under Wakkler draws from the mainline as well. Here he regularly invites like-minded high-voltage scientists that likewise are excited for experi- mentation. With the colleagues from Snork Enterprises he sometimes presents as a guest lecturer. His base in scenic Jena is Musikkrause. Still this isn’t the place where he kicks up his feet and the telly is mostly used in a rather disassem- bled form merely to have a look at what is actually going on inside; that is, how he can manage the electric driving in beats and transform them into off-set styled charges. For his second Musikkrause he has apparently installed a few cables in the Thuringian Forest to among other things come up with those rare feverish glandular whistlers. This active compiulsion (of course with the proper official forestry license) has resulted in a collection of 4 electrical hunting trophies and therewith proven the Riemann hypo- thesis: the forest is sound.
A1 Der fiebersche Drüsenpfeifer (the feverish glandular whistler) The least populous forest inhabitants, a cross between owl and deer, who especially in the night seek the closeness to people. Especially in the foggy, lightening-infused and wide open spaces of the hopper sound, he at his most comfor- table.
A2 Die oskure Obstkur (the obscure fruit treatment) With so much perseverance sitting in high seats and te- lescopic viewing, he naturally needs some kind of culinary relaxation. Of course, nothing tops the fresh plate of fruit. From a selection of 60% highly distilled fruit essences, there comes the mid day snack.
B1 Der Wabberknecht (the Daddy Long Legs) Careful, this arachnid is a cheeky fellow. Very trusting, eats from your hand. At the same time he’ll snap you up with the quickness and plunge every feeder, dragging you into his dance hole.
B2 Der Sackkiefler (the Hexapod) This small friendly monster, lurks through the needle woods digs himself like a mole under forest ant mounds where he chooses to chill out and feast. He emerges stuffed from the subterranean world and steps with his claws rhythmically, with his mandibles chewing on everything.
320 kbps